Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Finding Happiness

Sometimes we find ourselves in a slump and wonder how things can go so possibly wrong. We talk to people, vent our spleen, dissect every aspect of our lives minutely, but often cannot understand we fail to find happiness.

Finding happiness is difficult, it’s easier to create happiness. There are various ways in which we can teach ourselves to be happy.

One way is to maintain a gratitude journal. Seems easy, right? Initially, it may seem odd to write down simply, oftentimes silly things that make you smile, but as you keep at it, you’ll find it easier and easier to do.

Another thing you could consider is taking up a hobby, or learning a new skill, and tell yourself it’s OK if you aren’t great at it. Learning shouldn’t be a task, it should be fun, and the moment you allow yourself to make mistakes, you’ll start enjoying yourself, and before you know it, BAM! You’re happy! Syracuse to NYC

Very often, we also find that we create deficits in our lives by constantly comparing ourselves to others. Everyone has their own struggles, but only projects the best side of their personality and life to the world. We only see the good, and unnecessarily lead ourselves to believe that we lead less fulfilling lives. Everyone’s experiences are individualistic, so appreciate your own.

A great thing to also do is spend less money on things and more money on experiences. Every time you feel like buying something you don’t really need, ask yourself if the money would be better spent on a holiday, or a good lunch with family and friends, or a class you really want to take. Things can break, memories of well spent moments last forever.

And most importantly, indulge in activities that are important to you. If nothing else, hop on to a bus between New York City to Syracuse and learn it from them. They got it right, for they say “Do your thing. Do what makes you happy.”

Remember, happiness is a choice, and it lies with you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What makes people long to travel?

Come warm weather, I’ve been checking out bus routes from Syracuse to NYC, just for a much-needed weekend getaway. And while looking up the things I’d like to do, I realised, more often than not, what I love doing while travelling is walking around aimlessly, and just getting a vibe of the city. Why? Because it gives me a sense of belonging to a place.

While charting out where I’d like to walk around, I wondered what it is that makes travel so intriguing. Why do people like to travel? What makes them want to leave the comfort of everything that they know and take-off somewhere?

The answers are simpler than I thought they’d be.

People like to travel to relax. The monotony of our lives gets to us, ever so often, and we feel the need to break away and breathe some fresh air (sometimes, literally!). And when we see people in the new place we’ve gone to, we end up appreciating our own lives just that little but more.

I also travel to meet new people, because sometimes it so much easier to talk to a stranger than it is to talk to someone you know. There are fewer biases in place and because chances of you meeting again are lower, the conversation is more free flowing.

So many wander off to different locales to try new and authentic food (can I hear a tummy or two rumble there?) and tickle their palates. Food is what makes the lives of many more colourful and interesting.

I know I often travel to learn more about my own endurance and see how well I can adapt to new cultures, broaden my horizons and challenge myself.  And on my bus between Syracuse to New YorkCity, I’m going to be thinking of all the ways I’m going to push myself to do something new.

Why do you travel? Is it to find something or somebody new?